Developer Contribution

Local development environment

This article will guide users on how to build developer-be and developer-fe modules locally, helping developers to quickly understand and develop code.

The local activation of developer-be depends on:

- Service Center
- DataBase
- UserManagement

The local activation of the developer-fe depends on:

- WebsiteGateway
- UserManagement
- developer-be

So in order to build a local development environment, the final sequence is Service Center -> DataBase -> UserManagement -> developer-be -> WebiteGateway (developer-fe)

Detailed process

Service Center

1.Download Service Center

2.Run the start-service-center.bat and start-frontend.bat after decompression


1.Download, install, start Postgresql latest version

2.Setting the login name and password as like (postgresql/root)

3.Create a database called developerdb

4.Create table structure based on database statement in developer deployment document

5.Create a database called usermgmtdb

6.Create table structure based on database statement in usermgmt deployment document

User Management

1.Download the user-mgmt-be code and user-mgmt-fe code

2.Install node.js and npm, enter the user-mgmt-fe folder, run npm install and npm run build

3.Create a static folder in the src/main/resources/ folder in user-mgmt-be

4.Copy the contents in the dist folder compiled by user-mgmt-fe into the static folder of user-mgmt-be

5.Configure runtime environment variables for MainServer in the compiler (where IDEA is used as an example)

6.Run the MainServer function, start UserManagement


1.Download developer-be code

2.Configure runtime environment variables for DeveloperApp in the compiler (where IDEA is used as an example)

3.Run the DeveloperApp function to start developer-be


1.Download developer-fe code

2.Enter the developer-fe folder, run npm install and npm run build

3.Download the website-gateway code

4.Create a static folder in the src/main/resources/ folder on website-gateway

5.Copy the contents in the dist folder compiled by developer-fe in the static folder of website-gateway

6.Modify the server.port in the /src/main/resources/application.yaml document in the website-gateway 8080

7.Configuring runtime environment variables for GatewayApp in the compiler (where IDEA is used as an example)

8.Run GatewayApp Launch WebiteGateway with developer-fe, browser access to to access the developer homepage