atp Interfaces ============== - [atp Interfaces](#atp-interfaces) - [1. Task](#task) - [1.1 POST create test task](#post-create-test-task) - [1.2 POST run test task](#post-run-test-task) - [1.3 GET get task list](#get-get-task-list) - [1.4 GET get one task](#get-get-one-task) - [1.5 PUT modify test case status](#put-modify-test-case-status) - [1.6 POST batch delete test tasks](#post-batch-delete-test-tasks) - [1.7 GET get test tasks analysis](#get-get-test-tasks-analysis) - [1.8 DELETE delete one test task](#delete-delete-one-test-task) - [1.9 POST upload self test report](#post-upload-self-test-report) - [2. Test case](#test-case) - [2.1 GET query all test cases](#get-query-all-test-cases) - [2.2 POST create test case](#post-create-test-case) - [2.3 PUT update test case](#put-update-test-case) - [2.4 DELETE delete test case](#delete-delete-test-case) - [2.5 GET query one test case](#get-query-one-test-case) - [2.6 GET download test case](#get-download-test-case) - [3. Test scenario](#test-scenario) - [3.1 GET query all test scenarios](#get-query-all-test-scenarios) - [3.2 POST create test scenarios](#post-create-test-scenario) - [3.3 PUT update test scenarios](#put-update-test-scenario) - [3.4 DELETE delete test scenarios](#delete-delete-test-scenario) - [3.5 GET query one test case](#get-query-one-test-scenario) - [3.6 GET query all test cases under one scenario](#get-query-all-test-cases-under-one-scenario) - [4. Test suite](#test-suite) - [4.1 GET query all test suites](#get-query-all-test-suite) - [4.2 POST create test suite](#post-create-test-suite) - [4.3 PUT update test suite](#put-update-test-suite) - [4.4 DELETE delete test suite](#delete-delete-test-suite) - [4.5 GET query one test suite](#get-query-one-test-suite) - [5. Contribution](#contribution) - [5.1 GET query all contributions](#get-query-all-contribution) - [5.2 POST create contribution](#post-create-contribution) - [5.3 POST batch delete contributions](#post-batch-delete-contributions) - [5.4 GET download contribution script](#get-download-contribution-script) - [6. File](#file) - [6.1 GET query one file](#get-query-one-file) - [7. Test model](#test-model) - [7.1 POST import test model](#post-import-test-model) - [8. configuration](#configuration) - [8.1 POST create config](#post-create-config) - [8.2 PUT update config](#put-update-config) - [8.3 DELETE delete config](#delete-delete-config) - [8.4 GET query one config](#get-query-one-config) - [8.5 GET query all configs](#get-query-all-configs) ## 1. Task Test task for application package ### 1.1 POST create test task create test task for application package. ``` Resource URI: /edgegallery/atp/v1/tasks ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |file|file|requestpart|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id":"", "packagePath":"", "appName":"", "appVersion":"", "providerId":"", "status":"", "createTime":123456789, "user":{ "userId":"", "userName":"" } } ``` ### 1.2 POST run test task Run test task by taskId ``` Resource URI: /edgegallery/atp/v1/tasks/{taskId}/action/run ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |taskId|taskId|path param|yes| |scenarioIdList|scenarioIdList|request param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "8ac6e62d-1d20-4193-942e-ece6deff5e4e", "appName": "monitor-service", "appVersion": "1.0", "status": "running", "createTime": "2021-03-01T02:42:29.306+0000", "endTime": "2021-03-01T02:43:03.943+0000", "reportPath":"/report/68016a29-75da-4f3e-aa00-42ed731dbc3f.pdf", "user": { "userId": "4eed814b-5d29-4e4c-ba73-51fc6db4ed86", "userName": "atp" }, "providerId": "Huawei", "testScenarios": [ { "id": "e71718a5-864a-49e5-855a-5805a5e9f97d", "nameCh": "中国联通", "nameEn": "China Unicom Scenario", "label": "China Unicom", "testSuites": [ { "id": "6d04da1b-1f36-4295-920a-8074f7f9d942", "nameCh": "沙箱测试", "nameEn": "Sandbox Test", "testCases": [ { "id": "4d203173-5555-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "应用实例化", "nameEn": "Application Instantiation", "descriptionCh": "将应用包部署到边缘节点", "descriptionEn": "Instantiate application and its dependency application on one edge host", "type": "automatic", "result": "failed", "reason": "host ip is empty" } ] } ] } ] } ``` ### 1.3 GET get task list download one plugin ``` Resource URI: /edgegallery/atp/v1/tasks ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |appName|appName|query param|no| |status|status|query param|no| |appVersion|appVersion|query param|no| |providerId|providerId|query param|no| Example response: ``` 200 OK [{ "id": "8ac6e62d-1d20-4193-942e-ece6deff5e4e", "appName": "monitor-service", "appVersion": "1.0", "status": "running", "createTime": "2021-03-01T02:42:29.306+0000", "endTime": "2021-03-01T02:43:03.943+0000", "reportPath":"/report/68016a29-75da-4f3e-aa00-42ed731dbc3f.pdf", "user": { "userId": "4eed814b-5d29-4e4c-ba73-51fc6db4ed86", "userName": "atp" }, "providerId": "Huawei", "testScenarios": [ { "id": "e71718a5-864a-49e5-855a-5805a5e9f97d", "nameCh": "中国联通", "nameEn": "China Unicom Scenario", "label": "China Unicom", "testSuites": [ { "id": "6d04da1b-1f36-4295-920a-8074f7f9d942", "nameCh": "沙箱测试", "nameEn": "Sandbox Test", "testCases": [ { "id": "4d203173-5555-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "应用实例化", "nameEn": "Application Instantiation", "descriptionCh": "将应用包部署到边缘节点", "descriptionEn": "Instantiate application and its dependency application on one edge host", "type": "automatic", "result": "failed", "reason": "host ip is empty" } ] } ] } ] }] ``` ### 1.4 GET get one task get task by taskId ``` Resource URI: /edgegallery/atp/v1/tasks/{taskId} ``` |Name| Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |taskId|taskId|path param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "8ac6e62d-1d20-4193-942e-ece6deff5e4e", "appName": "monitor-service", "appVersion": "1.0", "status": "running", "createTime": "2021-03-01T02:42:29.306+0000", "endTime": "2021-03-01T02:43:03.943+0000", "reportPath":"/report/68016a29-75da-4f3e-aa00-42ed731dbc3f.pdf", "user": { "userId": "4eed814b-5d29-4e4c-ba73-51fc6db4ed86", "userName": "atp" }, "providerId": "Huawei", "testScenarios": [ { "id": "e71718a5-864a-49e5-855a-5805a5e9f97d", "nameCh": "中国联通", "nameEn": "China Unicom Scenario", "label": "China Unicom", "testSuites": [ { "id": "6d04da1b-1f36-4295-920a-8074f7f9d942", "nameCh": "沙箱测试", "nameEn": "Sandbox Test", "testCases": [ { "id": "4d203173-5555-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "应用实例化", "nameEn": "Application Instantiation", "descriptionCh": "将应用包部署到边缘节点", "descriptionEn": "Instantiate application and its dependency application on one edge host", "type": "automatic", "result": "failed", "reason": "host ip is empty" } ] } ] } ] } ``` ### 1.5 PUT modify test case status modify manual test case status ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/tasks/{taskId}/testcase ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |taskId|taskId|path param|yes| Example request: ``` [{ "testScenarioId":"", "testSuiteId":"", "testCaseId":"", "result":"" , "reason":"" }] ``` Example response: ``` true ``` ### 1.6 POST batch delete test tasks batch delete test tasks ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/tasks/batch_delete ``` Example request: ``` { "taskIds":["id1","id2"] } ``` Example response: ``` { "failed":["id3"] } ``` ### 1.7 GET get test tasks analysis get test tasks analysis ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/tasks/action/analysize ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK  { "total":426, "currentMonth":11, "oneMonthAgo":111, "twoMonthAgo":12, "threeMonthAgo":13, "fourMonthAgo":14, "fiveMonthAgo":15 } ``` ### 1.8 DELETE delete one test task delete one test task ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/tasks/{taskId} ``` Example response: ``` true ``` ### 1.9 POST upload self test report upload self test report ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v2/tasks/{taskId}/action/upload-report ``` Example request: ``` { file: file } ``` Example response: ``` { "data":{ "path":"reportPath" }, "retCode":0, "message":"errorMsg", "params":[ "param1“ ] } ``` ## 2. Test case test cases of csar package ### 2.1 GET query all test cases query all test cases ``` Resource URI: /edgegallery/atp/v1/testcases ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |type|type|query param|no| |name|name|query param|no| |locale|locale|query param|no| |testSuiteIdList|testSuiteIdList|query param|no| Example response: ``` 200 OK [{ "id": "4d203173-9999-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "APPD文件目录校验", "nameEn": "APPD File Dir Validation", "type": "automatic", "descriptionCh": "根目录下必须包含APPD文件目录", "descriptionEn": "Root directory must contain APPD file dir", "hashCode": "", "codeLanguage": "java", "expectResultCh": "根目录下存在APPD文件目录", "expectResultEn": "Root directory contains APPD file dir", "testStepCh": "1.打开csar包 2.校验根目录下存在APPD目录", "testStepEn": " csar package 2.validate root directory contains APPD directory", "testSuiteIdList": [ "522684bd-d6df-4b47-aab8-b43f1b4c19c0" ], "configIdList": [ "522684bd-9999-4b47-aab8-b43f1b4c19c0" ] }] ``` ### 2.2 POST create test case create test case ``` Resource URI: /edgegallery/atp/v1/testcases ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |nameCh|nameCh|request param|yes| |nameEn|nameEn|request param|no| |type|type|request param|yes| |descriptionCh|descriptionCh|request param|yes| |descriptionEn|descriptionEn|request param|no| |codeLanguage|codeLanguage|request param|yes| |expectResultCh|expectResultCh|request param|yes| |expectResultEn|expectResultEn|request param|no| |testSuiteIdList|testSuiteIdList|request param|yes| |testStepCh|testStepCh|request param|yes| |testStepEn|testStepEn|request param|no| |file|file|request part|yes| |configIdList|configIdList|request param|no| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "4d203173-9999-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "APPD文件目录校验", "nameEn": "APPD File Dir Validation", "type": "automatic", "descriptionCh": "根目录下必须包含APPD文件目录", "descriptionEn": "Root directory must contain APPD file dir", "hashCode": "", "codeLanguage": "java", "expectResultCh": "根目录下存在APPD文件目录", "expectResultEn": "Root directory contains APPD file dir", "testStepCh": "1.打开csar包 2.校验根目录下存在APPD目录", "testStepEn": " csar package 2.validate root directory contains APPD directory", "testSuiteIdList": [ "522684bd-d6df-4b47-aab8-b43f1b4c19c0" ], "configIdList": [ "522684bd-9999-4b47-aab8-b43f1b4c19c0" ] } ``` ### 2.3 PUT update test case update test case ``` Resource URI: /edgegallery/atp/v1/testcases ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|request param|yes| |type|type|request param|no| |descriptionCh|descriptionCh|request param|no| |descriptionEn|descriptionEn|request param|no| |codeLanguage|codeLanguage|request param|no| |expectResultCh|expectResultCh|request param|no| |expectResultEn|expectResultEn|request param|no| |testSuiteIdList|testSuiteIdList|request param|no| |testStepCh|testStepCh|request param|no| |testStepEn|testStepEn|request param|no| |file|file|request part|no| |configIdList|configIdList|request param|no| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "4d203173-9999-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "APPD文件目录校验", "nameEn": "APPD File Dir Validation", "type": "automatic", "descriptionCh": "根目录下必须包含APPD文件目录", "descriptionEn": "Root directory must contain APPD file dir", "hashCode": "", "codeLanguage": "java", "expectResultCh": "根目录下存在APPD文件目录", "expectResultEn": "Root directory contains APPD file dir", "testStepCh": "1.打开csar包 2.校验根目录下存在APPD目录", "testStepEn": " csar package 2.validate root directory contains APPD directory", "testSuiteIdList": [ "522684bd-d6df-4b47-aab8-b43f1b4c19c0" ], "configIdList": [ "522684bd-9999-4b47-aab8-b43f1b4c19c0" ] } ``` ### 2.4 DELETE delete test case delete test case ``` Resource URI: /edgegallery/atp/v1/testcases/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 2.5 GET query one test case query one test case ``` Resource URI: /edgegallery/atp/v1/testcases/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "4d203173-9999-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "APPD文件目录校验", "nameEn": "APPD File Dir Validation", "type": "automatic", "descriptionCh": "根目录下必须包含APPD文件目录", "descriptionEn": "Root directory must contain APPD file dir", "hashCode": "", "codeLanguage": "java", "expectResultCh": "根目录下存在APPD文件目录", "expectResultEn": "Root directory contains APPD file dir", "testStepCh": "1.打开csar包 2.校验根目录下存在APPD目录", "testStepEn": " csar package 2.validate root directory contains APPD directory", "testSuiteIdList": [ "522684bd-d6df-4b47-aab8-b43f1b4c19c0" ], "configIdList": [ "522684bd-9999-4b47-aab8-b43f1b4c19c0" ] } ``` ### 2.6 GET download test case download test case ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testcases/{id}/action/download ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK binary stream ``` ## 3. Test scenario test scenario management ### 3.1 GET query all test scenarios query all test scenarios ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testscenarios ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |name|name|query param|no| |locale|locale|query param|no| Example response: ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "4d203111-1111-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "社区场景", "nameEn": "EdgeGallery Community Scenario", "descriptionCh": "适用于社区场景的测试", "descriptionEn": "suite for EdgeGallery community test", "label": "EdgeGallery" } ] ``` ### 3.2 POST create test scenario create test scenario ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testscenarios ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |nameCh|nameCh|request param|yes| |nameEn|nameEn|request param|no| |descriptionCh|descriptionCh|request param|yes| |descriptionEn|descriptionEn|request param|no| |label|label|request param|yes| |icon|icon|request part|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "4d203111-1111-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "社区场景", "nameEn": "EdgeGallery Community Scenario", "descriptionCh": "适用于社区场景的测试", "descriptionEn": "suite for EdgeGallery community test", "label": "EdgeGallery" } ``` ### 3.3 PUT update test scenario update test scenario ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testscenarios/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| |nameCh|nameCh|request param|no| |nameEn|nameEn|request param|no| |descriptionCh|descriptionCh|request param|no| |descriptionEn|descriptionEn|request param|no| |label|label|request param|no| |icon|icon|request part|no| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "4d203111-1111-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "社区场景", "nameEn": "EdgeGallery Community Scenario", "descriptionCh": "适用于社区场景的测试", "descriptionEn": "suite for EdgeGallery community test", "label": "EdgeGallery" } ``` ### 3.4 DELETE delete test scenario delete test scenario ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testscenarios/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 3.5 GET query one test scenario query one test scenario ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testscenarios/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "4d203111-1111-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "社区场景", "nameEn": "EdgeGallery Community Scenario", "descriptionCh": "适用于社区场景的测试", "descriptionEn": "suite for EdgeGallery community test", "label": "EdgeGallery" } ``` ### 3.6 GET query all test cases under one scenario query all test cases under one scenario ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testscenarios/testcases ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |scenarioids|scenarioids|request param|yes| Example request: ``` 200 OK "scenarioIds":["id", "id2"] ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "96a82e85-d40d-4ce5-beec-2dd1c9a3d41d", "nameCh": "中国电信", "nameEn": "China Telecom Scenario", "descriptionCh": "适用于中国电信场景的测试", "descriptionEn": "suite for China Telecom test", "label": "China Telecom", "testSuites": [ { "id": "6d04da1b-1f36-4295-920a-8074f7f9d942", "nameCh": "沙箱测试", "nameEn": "Sandbox Test", "descriptionCh": "应用包部署测试", "descriptionEn": "App package deployment test", "scenarioIdList": [ "4d203111-1111-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "e71718a5-864a-49e5-855a-5805a5e9f97d", "6fe8581c-b83f-40c2-8f5b-505478f9e30b", "96a82e85-d40d-4ce5-beec-2dd1c9a3d41d" ], "testCases": [ { "id": "4d203173-5555-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87", "nameCh": "应用实例化", "nameEn": "Application Instantiation", "type": "automatic", "descriptionCh": "将应用包部署到边缘节点", "descriptionEn": "Instantiate application and its dependency application on one edge host", "hashCode": "", "codeLanguage": "jar", "expectResultCh": "应用包可以成功部署", "expectResultEn": "app can instantiate successfully.", "testStepCh": "部署应用包到对应的边缘节点", "testStepEn": "Deploy application package to edge node", "testSuiteIdList": [ "6d04da1b-1f36-4295-920a-8074f7f9d942" ] } ] } ] } ] ``` ## 4. Test suite test suite management ### 4.1 GET query all test suite query all test suite ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testsuites ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |name|name|query param|no| |locale|locale|query param|no| |scenarioIdList|scenarioIdList|query param|no| Example response: ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "522684bd-d6df-4b47-aab8-b43f1b4c19c0", "nameCh": "遵从性测试", "nameEn": "Compliance Test", "descriptionCh": "遵从社区APPD标准、ETSI标准对应用包结构进行校验", "descriptionEn": "Validate app package structure according to commnunity and ETSI standard", "scenarioIdList": [ "4d203111-1111-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87" ] } ] ``` ### 4.2 POST create test suite create test suite ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testsuites ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |nameCh|nameCh|request param|yes| |nameEn|nameEn|request param|no| |descriptionCh|descriptionCh|request param|yes| |descriptionEn|descriptionEn|request param|no| |scenarioIdList|scenarioIdList|request param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "743abd93-57a3-499d-9591-fa7db86a4778", "nameCh": "安全性测试", "nameEn": "Security Test", "descriptionCh": "应用包安全测试", "descriptionEn": "App package security test", "scenarioIdList": [ "4d203111-1111-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87" ] } ``` ### 4.3 PUT update test suite update test suite ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testsuites/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| |nameCh|nameCh|request param|no| |nameEn|nameEn|request param|no| |descriptionCh|descriptionCh|request param|no| |descriptionEn|descriptionEn|request param|no| |scenarioIdList|scenarioIdList|request param|no| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "743abd93-57a3-499d-9591-fa7db86a4778", "nameCh": "安全性测试", "nameEn": "Security Test", "descriptionCh": "应用包安全测试", "descriptionEn": "App package security test", "scenarioIdList": [ "4d203111-1111-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87" ] } ``` ### 4.4 DELETE delete test suite delete test suite ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testsuites/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 4.5 GET query one test suite query one test suite ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testsuites/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "743abd93-57a3-499d-9591-fa7db86a4778", "nameCh": "安全性测试", "nameEn": "Security Test", "descriptionCh": "应用包安全测试", "descriptionEn": "App package security test", "scenarioIdList": [ "4d203111-1111-4f62-aabb-8ebcec357f87" ] } ``` ## 5. Contribution contribution ### 5.1 GET query all contribution query all contribution ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/contributions ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "872b55f8-bfb8-4fb4-be4e-0b643ff375e2", "name": "test", "objective": "test", "step": "test", "expectResult": "test", "type": "text", "createTime": "2021-03-01T09:17:31.915+0000" } ] ``` ### 5.2 POST create contribution create contribution ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/contributions ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |name|name|request param|yes| |objective|objective|request param|no| |step|step|request param|yes| |expectResult|expectResult|request param|no| |type|type|request param|yes| |file|file|requestpart|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "id": "872b55f8-bfb8-4fb4-be4e-0b643ff375e2", "name": "test", "objective": "test", "step": "test", "expectResult": "test", "type": "text", "createTime": "2021-03-01T09:17:31.915+0000" } ``` ### 5.3 POST batch delete contributions batch delete contributions ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/contributions/batch_delete ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |ids|ids|request param|yes| Example request: ``` { "ids":["id1","id2"] } ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK { "failed":["id3"] } ``` ### 5.4 GET download contribution script download contribution script ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/contributions/{id}/action/download ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK binary stream ``` ## 6. File file ### 6.1 GET query one file query one file ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/files/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| |type|type|query param|no| Example response: ``` 200 OK binary stream ``` ## 7. Test model test model ### 7.1 POST import test model import test model ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v1/testmodels/action/import ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |file|file|request param|yes| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "retCode" : 0 "failures" : [] } 206 partial success { "retCode" : 5000, "failures" : [{ "id" : "string", "nameEn" : "string", "type" : "testScenario", "errCode": 1000, "errMsg": “string”, "params": "string" }, { "id" : "string", "nameEn" : "string", "type" : "testSuite", "errCode": 1000, "errMsg": “string”, "params": "string" }, { "id" : "string", "nameEn" : "string", "type" : "testCase", "errCode": 1000, "errMsg": “string”, "params": "string" } ] } ``` ## 8. Configuration config ### 8.1 POST create config create config ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v2/configs ``` Example request: ``` { "nameCh":"虚机应用实例化", "nameEn":"Instantiation for vm app", "descriptionCh":"配置虚机应用实例化所需参数", "descriptionEn":"Configure params for instantiation of vm app", "configuration":"DC_ID = FS+M;az_dc=nova;" } ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK { "data":{ "id":"uuid", "nameCh":"虚机应用实例化", "nameEn":"Instantiation for vm app", "descriptionCh":"配置虚机应用实例化所需参数", "descriptionEn":"Configure params for instantiation of vm app", "configuration":"DC_ID = FS+M;az_dc=nova;", "createTime":"" }, "retCode":0, "message":"errorMsg", "params":[ "param1", "param2" ] } ``` ### 8.2 PUT update config update config ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v2/configs/{id} ``` Example request: ``` { "nameCh":"虚机应用实例化", "nameEn":"Instantiation for vm app", "descriptionCh":"配置虚机应用实例化所需参数", "descriptionEn":"Configure params for instantiation of vm app", "configuration":"DC_ID = FS+M;az_dc=nova;" } ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK { "data":{ "id":"uuid", "nameCh":"虚机应用实例化", "nameEn":"Instantiation for vm app", "descriptionCh":"配置虚机应用实例化所需参数", "descriptionEn":"Configure params for instantiation of vm app", "configuration":"DC_ID = FS+M;az_dc=nova;", "createTime":"" }, "retCode":0, "message":"errorMsg", "params":[ "param1", "param2" ] } ``` ### 8.3 DELETE delete config delete config ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v2/configs/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example request: ``` NA ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 8.4 GET query one config query one config ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v2/configs/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| Example request: ``` NA ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK { "data":{ "id":"uuid", "nameCh":"虚机应用实例化", "nameEn":"Instantiation for vm app", "descriptionCh":"配置虚机应用实例化所需参数", "descriptionEn":"Configure params for instantiation of vm app", "configuration":"DC_ID = FS+M;az_dc=nova;", "createTime":"" }, "retCode":0, "message":"errorMsg", "params":[ "param1", "param2" ] } ``` ### 8.5 GET query all configs query all configs ``` Resource URI: edgegallery/atp/v2/configs?limit=10&offset=0 ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |name|name|query param|no| |locale|locale|query param|no| |limit|limit|query param|yes| |offset|offset|query param|yes| Example request: ``` NA ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK { "results":[ { "id":"uuid", "nameCh":"虚机应用实例化", "nameEn":"Instantiation for vm app", "descriptionCh":"配置虚机应用实例化所需参数", "descriptionEn":"Configure params for instantiation of vm app", "configuration":"DC_ID = FS+M;az_dc=nova;", "createTime":"" } ], "total":1, "limit":10, "offset":0 } ```