Application Package Manager Interface ============== The document is for the Application Package Manager project, there is one part of interfaces in the project. ### Get All Application Packages Retrieves all application packages ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/packages Method: GET ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| |tenant_id|tenant id|path|yes|Valid UUID|64| Example response: ``` 200 OK [ { "appIconUrl": "string", "appId": "string", "appPkgAffinity": "string", "appPkgDesc": "string", "appPkgId": "string", "appPkgName": "string", "appPkgPath": "string", "appPkgVersion": "string", "appProvider": "string", "createdTime": "string", "mecHostInfo": [ { "error": "string", "hostIp": "string", "status": "string" } ], "modifiedTime": "string" } ] ``` ### Onboard Application Package Onboard application package ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/packages Method: POST ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token|access_token|header|yes|Jwt token| |tenant_id|tenant id|path|yes|Valid UUID|64| |appIconUrl|appIconUrl|body|yes|Valid URL|1024| |appId|appId|body|yes|AlphaNumeric with smaller case alphabets|32| |appPkgAffinity|appPkgAffinity|body|yes|AlhpaNumeric|255| |appPkgDesc|appPkgDesc|body|yes|AlhpaNumeric|1024| |appPkgId|appPkgId|body|yes|AlphaNumeric with smaller case alphabets|32| |appPkgName|appPkgName|body|yes|AlphaNumeric and allowed special characters hypen and underscore|255| |appPkgPath|appPkgPath|body|yes|Valid URL|1024| |appPkgVersion|appPkgVersion|body|yes|Valid URL|1024| |appProvider|appProvider|body|yes|AlphaNumeric|1024| |createdTime|createdTime|body|yes|Valid time|255| |mecHostInfo|mecHostInfo|body|yes|Valid URL|15| Example request body: ``` { "appIconUrl": "string", "appId": "string", "appPkgAffinity": "string", "appPkgDesc": "string", "appPkgId": "string", "appPkgName": "string", "appPkgPath": "string", "appPkgVersion": "string", "appProvider": "string", "createdTime": "string", "mecHostInfo": [ { "error": "string", "hostIp": "string", "status": "string" } ], "modifiedTime": "string" } ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK [ { "packageId": "string" } ] ``` ### Get Application Package Information Retrieves application package information. ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/packages/{app_package_id} Method: GET ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| |app_package_id|app package id|path|yes|Alphanumeric and must be smaller case|32| |tenant_id|tenant id|path|yes|Valid UUID|64| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "appIconUrl": "string", "appId": "string", "appPkgAffinity": "string", "appPkgDesc": "string", "appPkgId": "string", "appPkgName": "string", "appPkgPath": "string", "appPkgVersion": "string", "appProvider": "string", "createdTime": "string", "mecHostInfo": [ { "error": "string", "hostIp": "string", "status": "string" } ], "modifiedTime": "string" } ``` ### Get Application template Retrieves application template. ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/packages/{app_package_id}/apptemplate Method: GET ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| |app_package_id|app package id|path|yes|Alphanumeric and must be smaller case|32| |tenant_id|tenant id|path|yes|Valid UUID|64| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "appPkgName": "positioning_service", "version": "1.0", "appId": "efa14bd4327c43098343402246619ff3", "appPackageId": "9022daf9de964391ae29907221ef95a1", "inputs": [ { "name": "APP_Name", "type": "string", "defaultValue": null, "description": "APP_Name" }, { "name": "network_name_1", "type": "string", "defaultValue": "fst01_OM_Plane", "description": "APP_NETWORK" } ] } ``` ### Delete Application Packages Deletes application package ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/packages/{app_package_id} Method: DELETE ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| |app_package_id|app package id|path |yes|Alphanumeric and must be smaller case|32| |tenant_id|tenant id|path |yes|Valid UUID|64| |appId |app id|path |yes|Alphanumeric and must be smaller case|32| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "success" } ``` ### Download Csar Download application package CSAR ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/packages/{app_package_id}/download Method: GET ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |app_package_id|app package id|path |yes|Alphanumeric and must be smaller case|32| |tenant_id |tenant id|path |yes|Valid UUID|64| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "description": "string", "file": { "absolute": true, "absolutePath": "string", "canonicalPath": "string", "directory": true, "file": true, "freeSpace": 0, "hidden": true, "name": "string", "parent": "string", "path": "string", "totalSpace": 0, "usableSpace": 0 }, "filename": "string", "inputStream": {}, "open": true, "readable": true, "uri": { "absolute": true, "authority": "string", "fragment": "string", "host": "string", "opaque": true, "path": "string", "port": 0, "query": "string", "rawAuthority": "string", "rawFragment": "string", "rawPath": "string", "rawQuery": "string", "rawSchemeSpecificPart": "string", "rawUserInfo": "string", "scheme": "string", "schemeSpecificPart": "string", "userInfo": "string" }, "url": { "authority": "string", "content": {}, "defaultPort": 0, "file": "string", "host": "string", "path": "string", "port": 0, "protocol": "string", "query": "string", "ref": "string", "userInfo": "string" } } ``` ### Delete Application Package Deletes an application packages ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/packages/{app_package_id}/hosts/{host_ip} Method: DELETE ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| |app_package_id |app package id|path |yes|Alphanumeric and must be smaller case|32| |host_ip|host ip|path |yes|Valid IP address|15| |tenant_id |tenant id|path |yes|Valid UUID|64| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "success" } ``` ### On-boards application with package. On-boards application with package provided. ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/packages/upload Method: POST ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token|access_token|header|yes|Jwt token| |appPkgName|appPkgName|body|yes|AlphaNumeric and allowed special characters hypen and underscore|255| |appPkgVersion|appPkgVersion|body|yes|Valid URL|1024| |File|file|formData|No| |hostList|host list|formData|yes| |tenant_id|tenant id|path|no|Valid UUID|64| Example request body: ``` { "access_token": "string", "appPackageName": "string", "appPackageVersion": "string", "file": "file", "hostList": "string", "tenant_id": "string", } ``` Example response: ``` 202 Accepted { "appId": "string", "appPackageId": "string" } ``` ### Queries liveness & readiness Retrieves data for liveness & readiness ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/health Method: GET ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| Example response: ``` 200 OK ``` ### Retrieves all application packages info from app store. Retrieves all application packages info from app store. ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/apps/info/appstores/{appstore_ip} Method: GET ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| |appstore_ip|appstore_ip|body|yes|AlphaNumeric with smaller case alphabets|32| Example response: ``` 200 OK ``` ### Sync application packages Sync application package by downloading package from appstore. ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/apps/sync Method: POST ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token|access_token|header|yes|Jwt token| |appId|appId|body|yes|AlphaNumeric with smaller case alphabets|32| |packageId|packageId|body|yes|AlphaNumeric with smaller case alphabets|32| Example request body: ``` [ { "appId": "string", "appstoreIp": "string", "packageId": "string" }, { "appId": "string", "appstoreIp": "string", "packageId": "string" } ] ``` Example response: ``` 200 OK [ { "packageId": "string" } ] ``` ### Retrieves all application packages sync status Retrieves all application packages sync status. ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/apps/syncstatus Method: GET ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| Example response: ``` 200 OK ``` ### Get Application Package Information Retrieve application packages sync status. ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/apps/{app_id}/packages/{package_id}/syncstatus Method: GET ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| |appId|appId|body|yes|AlphaNumeric with smaller case alphabets|32| |packageId|packageId|body|yes|AlphaNumeric with smaller case alpha Example response: ``` 200 OK { "appId": "ad dolore laborum", "name": "Excep", "operationalInfo": "est magna", "packageId": "sit n", "syncStatus": "cillum exercitation quis" } ``` ### Get Application Package Information Retrieve application packages sync status. ``` Resource URI: /apm/v1/tenants/{tenant_id}/app_package_infos/sync Method: POST ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required|Allowed|Max Length| |---|---|---|---|---|---| |access_token |access token|header |yes|Jwt token| |tenant_id|tenant id|path|yes|Valid UUID|64| Example response: ``` 200 OK { "appPackageRecord": [ { "appPkgId": "8e3d6f90bad74cecb7544fc5ebf56782a5df67ab47ba40e09015136573d7bce439937079-99fe-4cd8-881f-04ca8c4fe09d", "appPkgName": "Video_Surveillance_ap", "appPkgVersion": "2", "appPkgPath": "abc", "appProvider": "", "appPkgDesc": "abc", "appPkgAffinity": "bangalore", "appIconUrl": "", "createdTime": "2021-03-12 07:59:55.695956+00", "modifiedTime": "", "appId": "1", "tenantId": "e921ce54-82c8-4532-b5c6-8516cf75f7a7", "packageId": "1", "origin": "MEPM", "syncStatus": false, "mecHostInfo": [ { "pkgHostKey": "8e3d6f90bad74cecb7544fc5ebf56782a5df67ab47ba40e09015136573d7bce439937079-99fe-4cd8-881f-04ca8c4fe09d119.8.47.5", "hostIp": "", "appPkgId": "8e3d6f90bad74cecb7544fc5ebf56782a5df67ab47ba40e09015136573d7bce4", "status": "", "tenantId": "e921ce54-82c8-4532-b5c6-8516cf75f7a7", "error": "success", "origin": "MEPM", "syncStatus": false } ] } ] } ``` ### APM Open Api Swagger * Please refer [APM_OPEN_API](