Contribution to Lcm Controller and K8s Plugin (Applcm) ========================== This section provides details on how to participate/contribute to the LCM controller project. ## Build local development environment This section will guide developers to build LCM controller module locally and help developers to quickly understand and develop code The local startup of LCM controller depends on: ``` - DataBase ``` In order to build a local environment, the final startup sequence is DataBase -> LCMController ### DataBase 1. Download and install postgres 12.3 database 2. Set login name and password, such as lcmcontroller 3. Create a database named lcmcontrollerdb ![](/uploads/images/2020/0924/lcmcontroller-db.png "lcmcontroller-db.png") ### LCM contorller 1. Download [LCM Controller Code]( 2. Configure the runtime environment variables (using GO Land as an example) ![](/uploads/images/2021/cor2020/lcm-controller.png "lcm-controller.png") 3. Update certificates path in app.conf ![](/uploads/images/2021/cor2020/mepm-applcm-ssl.png "mepm-applcm-ssl.png") 4. Run main to start LCM controller ### K8s plugin 1. Download [K8s plugin code]( 2. Configure the runtime environment variables (using GO Land as an example) ![](/uploads/images/2021/cor2020/k8s-plugin-env.png "k8s-plugin-env.png") 3. Update certificates path in config.yaml ![](/uploads/images/2021/cor2020/k8s-ssl.png "k8s-ssl.png") 4. Run main to start K8s plugin. ### How to generate swagger documentation for Lcm Controller Download [LCM Controller Code]( ### Prerequisites Step 1 - Install go lang cd ~ curl -O tar xvf go1.10.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz sudo chown -R root:root ./go sudo mv go /usr/local sudo nano ~/.profile export GOPATH=$HOME/mecm-applcm export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$GOPATH/bin export GOROOT=$HOME/go export GOPATH=$HOME/mecm-applcm export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin source ~/.profile Step 2 - Install bee You will need to install or upgrade Beego and the Bee dev tool: go get -u go get -u bee ![](/uploads/images/2021/cor2020/bee-output.png "bee-output.png") Change runmode configuration to dev from prod in app.conf file Now coming to the auto-generation of documentation, end the server’s session and use this command: bee run -gendoc=true -downdoc=true Now, go to the browser and type: https://localhost:8094/swagger/