

Application Package Manager

Application Package Manager(APM) enables edgegallery to distribute/on-board applications to edge repositories by downloading application packages from appstore.

Application Orchestrator

Application Orchestrator(APPO) is mainly responsible for MEC application orchestration by requesting for life cycle management of MEC application on the edge host by executing specified workflow while maintaining the life cycle state. Orchestration workflows are modeled using Camunda modeler tool and workflows are executed by camunda engine.


Inventory provides realtime view of deployed applications on the edge hosts and applications configurations. Inventory is also used for external system registrations.

LCM Controller

LCM Controller is responsible MEC application life cycle management operations by sending requests to appropriate pluggable plugin adapters based on the infrastructure.

K8s Plugin

K8s Plugin is responsible for MEC application life cycle management operations on kubernetes infrastructure. K8s plugin use helm client to perform application life cycle management operations.

App Rule Manager

APP Rule Manager is responsible for configuring application rules by sending application rule configurations to MEP. Application rule configurations includes the traffic rules and DNS to be configured.

Deployment view


The deployment view shown is based on k8s deployment. MECM modules supports deployment on virtual machine or docker container to start respective service.