Developer Interfaces ============== - [Developer Interfaces](#developer-interfaces) - [1. Plugin](#plugin) - [1.1 POST upload plugin](#post-upload-plugin) - [1.2 GET all plugin](#get-all-plugin) - [1.3 DELETE one plugin](#delete-one-plugin) - [1.4 GET download plugin](#get-download-plugin) - [1.5 GET download logo](#get-download-logo) - [1.6 GET download api](#get-download-api) - [1.7 PUT update plugin](#put-update-plugin) - [1.8 PUT mark plugin](#put-mark-plugin) - [1.9 GET api content](#get-api-content) - [2. Container Image](#container-image) - [2.1 POST upload container image](#post-upload-container-image) - [2.2 DELETE upload container image](#delete-upload-container-image) - [2.3 POST create image](#post-create-image) - [2.4 PUT modify image](#put-modify-image) - [2.5 DELETE container image](#delete-container-image) - [2.6 GET download image](#get-download-image) - [2.7 POST query all image](#post-query-all-image) - [2.8 GET merge container image](#get-merge-container-image) - [2.9 GET synchronize image](#get-synchronize-image) - [3. App Project](#app-project) - [3.1 GET all project](#get-all-project) - [3.2 GET one project](#get-one-project) - [3.3 POST create one project](#post-create-one-project) - [3.4 DELETE one project](#delete-one-project) - [3.5 PUT modify one project](#put-modify-one-project) - [3.6 POST deploy one project](#post-deploy-one-project) - [3.7 POST clean test env](#post-clean-test-env) - [3.8 POST create test config](#post-create-test-config) - [3.9 PUT modify test config](#put-modify-test-config) - [3.10 GET one test-config](#get-one-test-config) - [3.11 POST upload to store](#post-upload-to-store) - [3.12 GET project atp task](#get-project-atp-task) - [3.13 GET project workstatus](#get-project-workstatus) - [3.14 POST terminate project](#post-terminate-project) - [4. Host](#host) - [4.1 GET all host](#get-all-host) - [4.2 GET one host](#get-one-host) - [4.3 POST create one host](#post-create-one-host) - [4.4 DELETE one host](#delete-one-host) - [4.5 PUT modify one host](#put-modify-one-host) - [4.6 GET host list](#get-host-list) - [4.7 GET host logs](#get-host-logs) - [5. Capability-groups](#capability-groups) - [5.1 POST create group](#post-create-group) - [5.2 GET all group](#get-all-group) - [5.3 GET one group](#get-one-group) - [5.4 DELETE one group](#delete-one-group) - [6. File](#file) - [6.1 GET one file](#get-one-file) - [6.2 POST upload one file](#post-upload-one-file) - [6.3 POST upload helm yaml](#post-upload-helm-yaml) - [6.4 DELETE helm yaml](#delete-helm-yaml) - [6.5 POST get sample code](#post-get-sample-code) - [6.6 GET api info](#get-api-info) - [6.7 GET sdk code](#get-sdk-code) - [6.8 GET sample content](#get-sample-content) - [6.9 POST pkg structure](#post-pkg-structure) - [7. Capabilities](#capabilities) - [7.1 POST create capability](#post-create-capability) - [7.2 GET all capability](#get-all-capability) - [7.3 GET one capability](#get-one-capability) - [7.4 DELETE one capability](#delete-one-capability) - [7.5 PUT one capability](#put-one-capability) - [8. Capability-Groups Query](#capability-groups-query) - [8.1 GET group by type](#get-group-by-type) - [9. AppRelease](#apprelease) - [9.1 GET pkg structure](#get-pkg-structure) - [9.2 GET file content](#get-file-content) - [10. ReleaseConfig](#releaseconfig) - [10.1 GET release config](#get-release-config) - [10.2 POST release config](#post-release-config) - [10.3 PUT release config](#put-release-config) - [11. Health](#health) - [11.1 GET health check](#get-health-check) - [12. Deploy](#deploy) - [12.1 GET deploy yaml](#get-deploy-yaml) - [12.2 PUT deploy yaml](#put-deploy-yaml) - [12.3 GET deploy json](#get-deploy-json) - [12.4 POST deploy yaml](#post-deploy-yaml) - [13. Capability-group stats](#capability-group-stats) - [13.1 GET group stats](#get-group-stats) - [14. VirtualMachine](#virtualmachine) - [14.1 POST one vm](#post-one-vm) - [14.2 DELETE vm config](#delete-vm-config) - [14.3 GET all image config](#get-all-image-config) - [14.4 POST image config](#post-image-config) - [14.5 DELETE image config](#delete-image-config) - [14.6 GET image config By ProjectId](#get-image-config-by-projectid) - [14.7 GET csar pkg](#get-csar-pkg) - [14.8 GET vm resources](#get-vm-resources) - [14.9 POST vm file](#post-vm-file) - [14.10 GET merge image](#get-merge-image) - [14.11 POST clean vm](#post-clean-vm) - [14.12 GET vm pkg](#get-vm-pkg) - [14.13 POST vm pkg](#post-vm-pkg) - [14.14 DELETE vm pkg](#delete-vm-pkg) - [15. Capability-group stats query](#capability-group-stats-query) - [15.1 GET stats by type](#get-stats-by-type) - [16. SystemImage](#systemImage) - [16.1 POST one system image](#post-one-system-image) - [16.2 DELETE system image](#delete-system-image) - [16.3 POST upload system image](#post-upload-system-image) - [16.4 PUT system image](#put-system-image) - [16.5 PUT publish system image](#put-publish-system-image) - [16.6 POST system image to upload file](#post-system-image-to-upload-file) - [16.7 GET system image to merge](#get-system-image-to-merge) - [16.8 GET system image to download](#get-system-image-to-download) - [16.9 POST slim image](#post-slim-image) - [16.10 PUT reset image status](#put-reset-image-status) - [16.11 POST upload image](#post-upload-image) - [16.12 DELETE upload image](#delete-upload-image) - [17. Capability query](#capability-query) - [17.1 GET capability by groupid](#get-capability-by-groupid) - [17.2 GET capability by en name](#get-capability-by-en-name) - [17.3 GET capability by name](#get-capability-by-name) - [17.4 GET capability by projectid](#get-capability-by-projectid) - [17.5 GET capability by type](#get-capability-by-type) ## 1. Plugin Development environment plug-in or sdk ### 1.1 POST upload plugin Upload one plugin with some params. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/plugins/ ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |pluginFile|pluginfile|requestpart|yes| |logoFile|pluginlogofile|requestpart|yes| |apiFile|pluginapifile|requestpart|yes| |pluginName|pluginname|requestparam|yes| |codeLanguage|languagerepresentedbytheplugin|requestparam|yes| |pluginType|1plugin2sdk|requestparam|yes| |version|pluginversion|requestparam|yes| |introduction|pluginbrief|requestparam|yes| |userId|theauthor'sidofuploadplugin|requestparam|yes| |userName|theauthor'snameofuploadplugin|requestparam|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "pluginId": "string", "pluginName": "string", "introduction": "string", "satisfaction": 0, "codeLanguage": "string", "pluginType": "string", "version": "string", "scoreCount": 0, "downloadCount": 0, "logoFile": { "originalFileName": "string", "storageAddress": "string", "fileSize": 0, "hashCode": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0 }, "pluginFile": { "originalFileName": "string", "storageAddress": "string", "fileSize": 0, "hashCode": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0 }, "uploadTime": "2020-12-29T01:38:05.596Z", "user": { "userId": "string", "userName": "string" }, "apiFile": { "originalFileName": "string", "storageAddress": "string", "fileSize": 0, "hashCode": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0 } } ``` ### 1.2 GET all plugin Query all plugin or sdk ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/plugins/ ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------| -------------|------------|------------| |pluginType|plugin type|request param|yes| |limit|the max count of one page|request param|yes| |offset|start index of the page|request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "results": [ {} ], "limit": 0, "offset": 0, "total": 0 } ``` ### 1.3 DELETE one plugin Delete one plugin by pluginId ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/plugins/{pluginId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |pluginId|plugin id|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 1.4 GET download plugin Download one plugin ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/plugins/{pluginId}/action/download ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |pluginId|plugin id|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK binary output. ``` ### 1.5 GET download logo Download plugin's logo file ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/plugins/{pluginId}/action/get-logofile ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |pluginId|plugin id|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK binary output. ``` ### 1.6 GET download api Download plugin's api file ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/plugins/{pluginId}/action/get-apifile ``` |Name| Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |pluginId|plugin id|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK binary output. ``` ### 1.7 PUT update plugin Update api by id ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/plugins/{pluginId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |pluginId|pluginid|pathparam|yes| |pluginFile|pluginfile|requestpart|no| |logoFile|pluginlogofile|requestpart|no| |apiFile|pluginapifile|requestpart|no| |pluginName|pluginname|requestpart|no| |codeLanguage|languagerepresentedbytheplugin|requestpart|no| |pluginType|1plugin2sdk|requestpart|no| |version|pluginversion|requestpart|no| |introduction|pluginbrief|requestpart|no| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "pluginId": "string", "pluginName": "string", "introduction": "string", "satisfaction": 0, "codeLanguage": "string", "pluginType": "string", "version": "string", "scoreCount": 0, "downloadCount": 0, "logoFile": { "originalFileName": "string", "storageAddress": "string", "fileSize": 0, "hashCode": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0 }, "pluginFile": { "originalFileName": "string", "storageAddress": "string", "fileSize": 0, "hashCode": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0 }, "uploadTime": "2020-12-29T01:38:05.596Z", "user": { "userId": "string", "userName": "string" }, "apiFile": { "originalFileName": "string", "storageAddress": "string", "fileSize": 0, "hashCode": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0 } } ``` ### 1.8 PUT mark plugin Update plugin satisfaction by pluginId ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/plugins/{pluginId}/action/score ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |pluginId|pluginid|pathparam|yes| |score|pluginsatisfaction|requestparam|yes| |userId|raterid|requestparam|yes| |userName|ratername|requestparam|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "pluginId": "string", "pluginName": "string", "introduction": "string", "satisfaction": 0, "codeLanguage": "string", "pluginType": "string", "version": "string", "scoreCount": 0, "downloadCount": 0, "logoFile": { "originalFileName": "string", "storageAddress": "string", "fileSize": 0, "hashCode": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0 }, "pluginFile": { "originalFileName": "string", "storageAddress": "string", "fileSize": 0, "hashCode": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0 }, "uploadTime": "2020-12-29T01:38:05.596Z", "user": { "userId": "string", "userName": "string" }, "apiFile": { "originalFileName": "string", "storageAddress": "string", "fileSize": 0, "hashCode": "string", "name": "string", "size": 0 } } ``` ### 1.9 GET api content Get plugin api content by pluginId ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/plugins/{pluginId}/action/content ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |pluginId|pluginid|pathparam|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK string output. ``` ## 2. Container Image operate about container app image ### 2.1 POST upload container image Upload image with some params. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/containerimages/{imageId}/upload ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |imageId|imageId|path param|yes| |id|id|query param|yes| |chunkNumber|chunkNumber|path param|yes| |chunkSize|chunkSize|query param|yes| |currentChunkSize|currentChunkSize|query param|yes| |totalSize|totalSize|query param|yes| |identifier|identifier|query param|yes| |filename|filename|query param|yes| |relativePath|relativePath|query param|yes| |totalChunks|totalChunks|query param|yes| |type|type|query param|yes| |file|file|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "headers": { "string": [ "string" ] }, "body": {}, "statusCode": "CONTINUE", "statusCodeValue": 0 } ``` ### 2.2 DELETE upload container image cancel upload image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/containerimages/{imageId}/upload ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |imageId|imageId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "headers": { "string": [ "string" ] }, "body": {}, "statusCode": "CONTINUE", "statusCodeValue": 0 } ``` ### 2.3 POST create image create image record ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/containerimages/ ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |ContainerImage|ContainerImage|request body param|yes| ``` ContainerImage: { "imageId": "string", "imageName": "string", "imageVersion": "string", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "uploadTime": "2021-10-12T08:37:38.000+0000", "createTime": "2021-10-12T08:37:38.000+0000", "imageStatus": "UPLOAD_SUCCEED", "imageType": "string", "imagePath": "string", "fileName": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "imageId": "string", "imageName": "string", "imageVersion": "string", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "uploadTime": "2021-10-12T08:37:38.000+0000", "createTime": "2021-10-12T08:37:38.000+0000", "imageStatus": "UPLOAD_SUCCEED", "imageType": "string", "imagePath": "string", "fileName": "string" } ``` ### 2.4 PUT modify image modify image record ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/containerimages/{imageId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |ContainerImage|ContainerImage|request body param|yes| |imageId|imageId|path param|yes| ``` ContainerImage: { "imageId": "string", "imageName": "string", "imageVersion": "string", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "uploadTime": "2021-10-12T08:37:38.000+0000", "createTime": "2021-10-12T08:37:38.000+0000", "imageStatus": "UPLOAD_SUCCEED", "imageType": "string", "imagePath": "string", "fileName": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "imageId": "string", "imageName": "string", "imageVersion": "string", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "uploadTime": "2021-10-12T08:37:38.000+0000", "createTime": "2021-10-12T08:37:38.000+0000", "imageStatus": "UPLOAD_SUCCEED", "imageType": "string", "imagePath": "string", "fileName": "string" } ``` ### 2.5 DELETE container image delete image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/containerimages/{imageId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |imageId|imageId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 2.6 GET download image download container image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/containerimages/{imageId}/download ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |imageId|imageId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK binary output. ``` ### 2.7 POST query all image query all container image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/containerimages/list ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |ContainerImageReq|ContainerImageReq|request body param|yes| ``` ContainerImageReq: { "imageName": "string", "userId": "string", "uploadTimeBegin": "string", "uploadTimeEnd": "string", "limit": 0, "offset": 0, "sortBy": "string", "sortOrder": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "imageId": "string", "imageName": "string", "imageVersion": "string", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "uploadTime": "2021-10-12T08:17:01.000Z", "createTime": "2021-10-12T08:17:01.000Z", "imageStatus": "UPLOAD_WAIT", "imageType": "string", "imagePath": "string", "fileName": "string" } ``` ### 2.8 GET merge container image merge container image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/containerimages/{imageId}/merge ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |imageId|imageId|path param|yes| |fileName|fileName|query param|yes| |guid|guid|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "headers": { "string": [ "string" ] }, "body": {}, "statusCode": "CONTINUE", "statusCodeValue": 0 } ``` ### 2.9 GET synchronize image synchronize container image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/containerimages/synchronize ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "headers": { "string": [ "string" ] }, "body": {}, "statusCode": "CONTINUE", "statusCodeValue": 0 } ``` ## 3. App Project Edge application projects created by the developer platform ### 3.1 GET all project Query all app project with userId. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/ ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |userId|userId|query param|yes| |projectName|projectName|query param|yes| |limit|limit|query param|yes| |offset|offset|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "projectType": "CREATE_NEW", "name": "string", "version": "string", "provider": "string", "platform": [ "string" ], "deployPlatform": "KUBERNETES", "type": "string", "industry": [ "string" ], "description": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "status": "ONLINE", "capabilityList": [ "string" ], "lastTestId": "string", "userId": "string", "createDate": "string", "openCapabilityId": "string", "applicationProjectCapabilities": [ { "projectId": "string", "capabilityId": "string" } ] } ] ``` ### 3.2 GET one project Query project by id ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| |userId|userId|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "projectType": "CREATE_NEW", "name": "string", "version": "string", "provider": "string", "platform": [ "string" ], "deployPlatform": "KUBERNETES", "type": "string", "industry": [ "string" ], "description": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "status": "ONLINE", "capabilityList": [ "string" ], "lastTestId": "string", "userId": "string", "createDate": "string", "openCapabilityId": "string", "applicationProjectCapabilities": [ { "projectId": "string", "capabilityId": "string" } ] } ``` ### 3.3 POST create one project Create one project with some params ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/ ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |ApplicationProject|Entityclass|body param|yes| |userId|userId|query param|yes| ``` ApplicationProject: { "id": "string", "projectType": "CREATE_NEW", "name": "string", "version": "string", "provider": "string", "platform": [ "string" ], "deployPlatform": "KUBERNETES", "type": "string", "industry": [ "string" ], "description": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "status": "ONLINE", "capabilityList": [ "string" ], "lastTestId": "string", "userId": "string", "createDate": "string", "openCapabilityId": "string", "applicationProjectCapabilities": [ { "projectId": "string", "capabilityId": "string" } ] } ``` **Example response** ``` { "id": "string", "projectType": "CREATE_NEW", "name": "string", "version": "string", "provider": "string", "platform": [ "string" ], "deployPlatform": "KUBERNETES", "type": "string", "industry": [ "string" ], "description": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "status": "ONLINE", "capabilityList": [ "string" ], "lastTestId": "string", "userId": "string", "createDate": "string", "openCapabilityId": "string", "applicationProjectCapabilities": [ { "projectId": "string", "capabilityId": "string" } ] } ``` ### 3.4 DELETE one project Delete one project by id ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId} ``` | Name | Definition |Type | Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| | projectId | project id|path param|yes| | userId | the author id of create project |request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 3.5 PUT modify one project Modify one project by id ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| |userId|userId|request param|yes| |ApplicationProject|entityclass|bodyparam|yes| ``` ApplicationProject { "id": "string", "projectType": "CREATE_NEW", "name": "string", "version": "string", "provider": "string", "platform": [ "string" ], "deployPlatform": "KUBERNETES", "type": "string", "industry": [ "string" ], "description": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "status": "ONLINE", "capabilityList": [ "string" ], "lastTestId": "string", "userId": "string", "createDate": "string", "openCapabilityId": "string", "applicationProjectCapabilities": [ { "projectId": "string", "capabilityId": "string" } ] } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "projectType": "CREATE_NEW", "name": "string", "version": "string", "provider": "string", "platform": [ "string" ], "deployPlatform": "KUBERNETES", "type": "string", "industry": [ "string" ], "description": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "status": "ONLINE", "capabilityList": [ "string" ], "lastTestId": "string", "userId": "string", "createDate": "string", "openCapabilityId": "string", "applicationProjectCapabilities": [ { "projectId": "string", "capabilityId": "string" } ] } ``` ### 3.6 POST deploy one project deploy one project by id ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/action/deploy ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| |userId|userId|request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "projectType": "CREATE_NEW", "name": "string", "version": "string", "provider": "string", "platform": [ "string" ], "deployPlatform": "KUBERNETES", "type": "string", "industry": [ "string" ], "description": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "status": "ONLINE", "capabilityList": [ "string" ], "lastTestId": "string", "userId": "string", "createDate": "string", "openCapabilityId": "string", "applicationProjectCapabilities": [ { "projectId": "string", "capabilityId": "string" } ] } ``` ### 3.7 POST clean test env Clean test env ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/action/clean ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| |userId|userId|request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 3.8 POST create test config Create test config of one project ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/test-config ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| |userId|userId|request param|yes| |ProjectTestConfig|entityclass|bodyparam|yes| ``` ProjectTestConfig { "testId": "string", "projectId": "string", "platform": "KUBERNETES", "deployFileId": "string", "privateHost": false, "pods": "string", "deployStatus": "NOTDEPLOY", "stageStatus": { "csar": "Success", "hostInfo": "Success", "instantiateInfo": "Success", "workStatus": "Success" }, "hosts": [ { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ], "errorLog": "string", "workLoadId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "deployDate": "2021-10-12T08:56:43.051Z", "lcmToken": "string", "agentConfig": { "serviceName": "string", "href": "string", "port": 0 }, "imageFileIds": [ "string" ], "appImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "otherImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "appApiFileId": "string", "accessUrl": "string", "packageId": "string", "nextStage": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "testId": "string", "projectId": "string", "platform": "KUBERNETES", "deployFileId": "string", "privateHost": false, "pods": "string", "deployStatus": "NOTDEPLOY", "stageStatus": { "csar": "Success", "hostInfo": "Success", "instantiateInfo": "Success", "workStatus": "Success" }, "hosts": [ { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ], "errorLog": "string", "workLoadId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "deployDate": "2021-10-12T08:56:43.051Z", "lcmToken": "string", "agentConfig": { "serviceName": "string", "href": "string", "port": 0 }, "imageFileIds": [ "string" ], "appImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "otherImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "appApiFileId": "string", "accessUrl": "string", "packageId": "string", "nextStage": "string" } ``` ### 3.9 PUT modify test config Modify test config of one project ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/test-config ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|pathparam|yes| |ProjectTestConfig|entityclass|bodyparam|yes| ``` ProjectTestConfig { "testId": "string", "projectId": "string", "platform": "KUBERNETES", "deployFileId": "string", "privateHost": false, "pods": "string", "deployStatus": "NOTDEPLOY", "stageStatus": { "csar": "Success", "hostInfo": "Success", "instantiateInfo": "Success", "workStatus": "Success" }, "hosts": [ { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ], "errorLog": "string", "workLoadId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "deployDate": "2021-10-12T08:56:43.051Z", "lcmToken": "string", "agentConfig": { "serviceName": "string", "href": "string", "port": 0 }, "imageFileIds": [ "string" ], "appImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "otherImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "appApiFileId": "string", "accessUrl": "string", "packageId": "string", "nextStage": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "testId": "string", "projectId": "string", "platform": "KUBERNETES", "deployFileId": "string", "privateHost": false, "pods": "string", "deployStatus": "NOTDEPLOY", "stageStatus": { "csar": "Success", "hostInfo": "Success", "instantiateInfo": "Success", "workStatus": "Success" }, "hosts": [ { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ], "errorLog": "string", "workLoadId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "deployDate": "2021-10-12T08:56:43.051Z", "lcmToken": "string", "agentConfig": { "serviceName": "string", "href": "string", "port": 0 }, "imageFileIds": [ "string" ], "appImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "otherImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "appApiFileId": "string", "accessUrl": "string", "packageId": "string", "nextStage": "string" } ``` ### 3.10 GET one test-config Query one test config by projectId ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/test-config ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "testId": "string", "projectId": "string", "platform": "KUBERNETES", "deployFileId": "string", "privateHost": false, "pods": "string", "deployStatus": "NOTDEPLOY", "stageStatus": { "csar": "Success", "hostInfo": "Success", "instantiateInfo": "Success", "workStatus": "Success" }, "hosts": [ { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ], "errorLog": "string", "workLoadId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "deployDate": "2021-10-12T08:56:43.051Z", "lcmToken": "string", "agentConfig": { "serviceName": "string", "href": "string", "port": 0 }, "imageFileIds": [ "string" ], "appImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "otherImages": [ { "imageId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "imageName": "string", "version": "string", "env": [ { "name": "string", "value": "string" } ], "ports": [ { "containerPort": 0, "protocol": "string", "nodePort": 0 } ], "imagePullPolicy": "IF_NOT_PRESENT", "volumeMounts": [ { "name": "string", "mountPath": "string" } ] } ], "appApiFileId": "string", "accessUrl": "string", "packageId": "string", "nextStage": "string" } ``` ### 3.11 POST upload to store Upload app project to developer ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/action/upload ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| |userId|userId|request param|yes| |userName|userName|request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK "csarId" ``` ### 3.12 GET project atp task get project atp task ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/action/atp ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 3.13 GET project workstatus GET project works tatus ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/container/workStatus ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 3.14 POST terminate project terminate project ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/action/terminate ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectid|path param|yes| |userId|userId|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "projectType": "CREATE_NEW", "name": "string", "version": "string", "provider": "string", "platform": [ "string" ], "deployPlatform": "KUBERNETES", "type": "string", "industry": [ "string" ], "description": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "status": "ONLINE", "capabilityList": [ "string" ], "lastTestId": "string", "userId": "string", "createDate": "string", "openCapabilityId": "string", "applicationProjectCapabilities": [ { "projectId": "string", "capabilityId": "string" } ] } ``` ## 4. Host Server of build and test or deploy app ### 4.1 GET all host Query all host. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/hosts ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |userId|userId|query param|yes| |name|name|query param|yes| |ip|ip|query param|yes| |limit|limit|query param|yes| |offset|offset|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ] ``` ### 4.2 GET one host Query host by id. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/hosts/{hostId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |hostId|hostid|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ``` ### 4.3 POST create one host Create one host. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/hosts/ ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |MepHost|entityclass|bodyparam|yes| ``` MepHost { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 4.4 DELETE one host Delete one host. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/hosts/{hostId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |hostId|hostid|pathparam|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 4.5 PUT modify one host modify one host. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/hosts/{hostId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |hostId|hostid|pathparam|yes| |MepHost|entityclass|bodyparam|yes| ``` MepHost { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ``` ### 4.6 GET host list get host list ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/hosts/list ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |os|os|query param|yes| |architecture|architecture|query param|yes| |limit|limit|query param|yes| |offset|offset|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ] ``` ### 4.7 GET host logs get host logs. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/hosts/{hostId}/logs ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |hostId|hostid|pathparam|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" } ] ``` ## 5. Capability-groups capability group of edge applications ### 5.1 POST create group Create one Capability group. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capability-groups ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |CapabilityGroup|entityclass|body param|yes| ``` { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" } ``` ### 5.2 GET all group get all group. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capability-groups/ ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" } ] ``` ### 5.3 GET one group get one group ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capability-groups/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|group id|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" } ``` ### 5.4 DELETE one group Delete one group by id ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capability-groups/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|group id|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK string output. ``` ## 6. File This part is to configure the app, perform app deployment, and test the api for file operations ### 6.1 GET one file Get one file ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/files/{fileId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |fileId|fileid|path param|yes| |userId|userId|request param|yes| |type|file type|request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK binary output ``` ### 6.2 POST upload one file Upload file ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/files ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |file|MultipartFileclass|request part|yes| |userId|userId|request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "fileId": "string", "fileName": "string", "url": "string", "userId": "string", "uploadDate": "2020-09-14T09:03:17.084Z", "filePath": "string", "temp": false } ``` ### 6.3 POST upload helm yaml Upload helm template yaml. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/files/helm-template-yaml ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |file|MultipartFileclass|request part|yes| |userId|userId|reques tparam|yes| |projectId|projectid|request param|yes| |configType|configType|request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "fileId": "string", "fileName": "string", "fileContent": "string", "formatSuccess": false, "imageSuccess": false, "serviceSuccess": false, "mepAgentSuccess": false } ``` ### 6.4 DELETE helm yaml Delete helm template yaml. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/files/helm-template-yaml ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |fileId|fileid|request param|yes|| **Example response** ``` 200 OK "string" ``` ### 6.5 POST get sample code Get sample code. ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/files/samplecode ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |apiFileIds|apifileid list|body param|yes|| ``` List [ "string" ] ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK byte array output ``` ### 6.6 GET api info Get file return one object ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/files/api-info/{fileId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |fileId|file id|path param |yes| |userId|the author id of upload file|request param |yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { fileId:"xxx", fileName:"xxx", url:"xxx", userId:"xxx", isTemp:false, uploadDate:xxxx-xx-xx, filePath:"xxx" } ``` ### 6.7 GET sdk code Get sdk code ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/files/sdk/{fileId}/download/{lan} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |fileId|file id|path param |yes| |lan|sdk codeLanguage|path param |yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK binary output ``` ### 6.8 GET sample content query file content ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/files/samplecode/get-file-content ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |fileName|file name|request param |yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK String output ``` ### 6.9 POST pkg structure post pkg structure ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/files/samplecode/get-pkg-structure ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |apiFileIds|file id arrays|body param |yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "name": "string", "id": "string", "children": [ {} ], "parent": false } ``` ## 7. Capabilities capability of edge applications ### 7.1 POST create capability create capability ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capabilities/ ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |Capability|Capability|body param|yes| ``` Capability: { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ``` ### 7.2 GET all capability GET all capabilities ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capabilities/ ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |filterType|filterType|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ] ``` ### 7.3 GET one capability query one capability ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capabilities/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ] ``` ### 7.4 DELETE one capability Delete one capability ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capabilities/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ``` ### 7.5 PUT one capability update one capability ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capabilities/{id} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |id|id|path param|yes| |capability|capability|body param|yes| ``` capability: { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ``` ## 8. Capability-Groups Query Capability-Groups query ### 8.1 GET group by type query group by type ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/query/capability-groups/type/{type} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |type|group type|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" } ] ``` ## 9. AppRelease Get pkg structure and file content ### 9.1 GET pkg structure Get pkg structure ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/apprelease/{projectId}/{csarId}/action/get-pkg-structure ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|project id|pathparam|yes| |csarId|csar id|pathparam|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "name": "string", "id": "string", "children": [ {} ], "parent": false } ``` ### 9.2 GET file content Get file content ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/apprelease/{projectId}/action/get-pkg-content ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|project id|pathparam|yes| |fileName|pkg file name|requestparam|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK string output ``` ## 10. ReleaseConfig Do some configuration before release app ### 10.1 GET release config Get release config ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/releaseconfig/{projectId}/action/release-config ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|project id|pathparam|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "releaseId": "string", "projectId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "capabilitiesDetail": { "appTrafficRule": [ { "trafficRuleId": "string", "action": "string", "priority": "string", "filterType": "string", "trafficFilter": [ { "protocal": [ "string" ], "srcAddress": [ "string" ], "srcPort": [ "string" ], "dstAddress": [ "string" ], "dstPort": [ "string" ], "tag": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "tgtTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "dstTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "qci": 0, "dscp": 0, "tc": 0 } ], "dstInterface": [ { "interfaceType": "string", "srcMacAddress": "string", "dstMacAddress": "string", "dstIpAddress": "string", "tunnelInfo": { "tunnelType": "string", "tunnelDstAddress": "string", "tunnelSrcAddress": "string", "tunnelSpecificData": "string" } } ] } ], "appDNSRule": [ { "dnsRuleId": "string", "domainName": "string", "ipAddressType": "string", "ipAddress": "string", "ttl": "string" } ], "serviceDetails": [ { "groupId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "internalPort": 0, "version": "string", "protocol": "string", "apiJson": "string", "apiMd": "string", "dnsRulesList": [ "string" ], "trafficRulesList": [ "string" ] } ] }, "atpTest": { "id": "string", "appName": "string", "status": "string", "createTime": "string" }, "testStatus": "string", "createTime": "2020-12-29T03:31:13.204Z" } ``` ### 10.2 POST release config create release config ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/releaseconfig/{projectId}/action/release-config ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|project id|pathparam|yes| |ReleaseConfig|entityclass|bodyparam|yes| ``` ReleaseConfig: { "releaseId": "string", "projectId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "capabilitiesDetail": { "appTrafficRule": [ { "trafficRuleId": "string", "action": "string", "priority": "string", "filterType": "string", "trafficFilter": [ { "protocal": [ "string" ], "srcAddress": [ "string" ], "srcPort": [ "string" ], "dstAddress": [ "string" ], "dstPort": [ "string" ], "tag": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "tgtTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "dstTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "qci": 0, "dscp": 0, "tc": 0 } ], "dstInterface": [ { "interfaceType": "string", "srcMacAddress": "string", "dstMacAddress": "string", "dstIpAddress": "string", "tunnelInfo": { "tunnelType": "string", "tunnelDstAddress": "string", "tunnelSrcAddress": "string", "tunnelSpecificData": "string" } } ] } ], "appDNSRule": [ { "dnsRuleId": "string", "domainName": "string", "ipAddressType": "string", "ipAddress": "string", "ttl": "string" } ], "serviceDetails": [ { "groupId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "internalPort": 0, "version": "string", "protocol": "string", "apiJson": "string", "apiMd": "string", "dnsRulesList": [ "string" ], "trafficRulesList": [ "string" ] } ] }, "atpTest": { "id": "string", "appName": "string", "status": "string", "createTime": "string" }, "testStatus": "string", "createTime": "2020-12-29T03:31:13.204Z" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "releaseId": "string", "projectId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "capabilitiesDetail": { "appTrafficRule": [ { "trafficRuleId": "string", "action": "string", "priority": "string", "filterType": "string", "trafficFilter": [ { "protocal": [ "string" ], "srcAddress": [ "string" ], "srcPort": [ "string" ], "dstAddress": [ "string" ], "dstPort": [ "string" ], "tag": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "tgtTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "dstTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "qci": 0, "dscp": 0, "tc": 0 } ], "dstInterface": [ { "interfaceType": "string", "srcMacAddress": "string", "dstMacAddress": "string", "dstIpAddress": "string", "tunnelInfo": { "tunnelType": "string", "tunnelDstAddress": "string", "tunnelSrcAddress": "string", "tunnelSpecificData": "string" } } ] } ], "appDNSRule": [ { "dnsRuleId": "string", "domainName": "string", "ipAddressType": "string", "ipAddress": "string", "ttl": "string" } ], "serviceDetails": [ { "groupId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "internalPort": 0, "version": "string", "protocol": "string", "apiJson": "string", "apiMd": "string", "dnsRulesList": [ "string" ], "trafficRulesList": [ "string" ] } ] }, "atpTest": { "id": "string", "appName": "string", "status": "string", "createTime": "string" }, "testStatus": "string", "createTime": "2020-12-29T03:31:13.204Z" } ``` ### 10.3 PUT release config update release config ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/releaseconfig/{projectId}/action/release-config ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|project id|pathparam|yes| |ReleaseConfig|entityclass|bodyparam|yes| ``` ReleaseConfig: { "releaseId": "string", "projectId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "capabilitiesDetail": { "appTrafficRule": [ { "trafficRuleId": "string", "action": "string", "priority": "string", "filterType": "string", "trafficFilter": [ { "protocal": [ "string" ], "srcAddress": [ "string" ], "srcPort": [ "string" ], "dstAddress": [ "string" ], "dstPort": [ "string" ], "tag": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "tgtTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "dstTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "qci": 0, "dscp": 0, "tc": 0 } ], "dstInterface": [ { "interfaceType": "string", "srcMacAddress": "string", "dstMacAddress": "string", "dstIpAddress": "string", "tunnelInfo": { "tunnelType": "string", "tunnelDstAddress": "string", "tunnelSrcAddress": "string", "tunnelSpecificData": "string" } } ] } ], "appDNSRule": [ { "dnsRuleId": "string", "domainName": "string", "ipAddressType": "string", "ipAddress": "string", "ttl": "string" } ], "serviceDetails": [ { "groupId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "internalPort": 0, "version": "string", "protocol": "string", "apiJson": "string", "apiMd": "string", "dnsRulesList": [ "string" ], "trafficRulesList": [ "string" ] } ] }, "atpTest": { "id": "string", "appName": "string", "status": "string", "createTime": "string" }, "testStatus": "string", "createTime": "2020-12-29T03:31:13.204Z" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "releaseId": "string", "projectId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "capabilitiesDetail": { "appTrafficRule": [ { "trafficRuleId": "string", "action": "string", "priority": "string", "filterType": "string", "trafficFilter": [ { "protocal": [ "string" ], "srcAddress": [ "string" ], "srcPort": [ "string" ], "dstAddress": [ "string" ], "dstPort": [ "string" ], "tag": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "tgtTunnelAddress": [ "string" ], "srcTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "dstTunnelPort": [ "string" ], "qci": 0, "dscp": 0, "tc": 0 } ], "dstInterface": [ { "interfaceType": "string", "srcMacAddress": "string", "dstMacAddress": "string", "dstIpAddress": "string", "tunnelInfo": { "tunnelType": "string", "tunnelDstAddress": "string", "tunnelSrcAddress": "string", "tunnelSpecificData": "string" } } ] } ], "appDNSRule": [ { "dnsRuleId": "string", "domainName": "string", "ipAddressType": "string", "ipAddress": "string", "ttl": "string" } ], "serviceDetails": [ { "groupId": "string", "serviceName": "string", "internalPort": 0, "version": "string", "protocol": "string", "apiJson": "string", "apiMd": "string", "dnsRulesList": [ "string" ], "trafficRulesList": [ "string" ] } ] }, "atpTest": { "id": "string", "appName": "string", "status": "string", "createTime": "string" }, "testStatus": "string", "createTime": "2020-12-29T03:31:13.204Z" } ``` ## 11. Health health Check ### 11.1 GET health check Get health check ``` Resource URI: /health ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK 'ok'. ``` ## 12. Deploy API to manipulate deployment files ### 12.1 GET deploy yaml Get deploy yaml ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/deploy/{fileId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |fileId|fileId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "fileId": "string", "fileName": "string", "userId": "string", "projectId": "string", "content": "string", "uploadTimeStamp": 0, "configType": "string" } ``` ### 12.2 PUT deploy yaml Modify deploy yaml by file id ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/deploy/{fileId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |fileId|fileId|path param|yes| |fileContent|file content|body param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "fileId": "string", "fileName": "string", "userId": "string", "projectId": "string", "content": "string", "uploadTimeStamp": 0, "configType": "string" } ``` ### 12.3 GET deploy json Get file content with json format ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/deploy/{fileId}/action/get-json ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |fileId|fileId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ {} ] ``` ### 12.4 POST deploy yaml Upload deploy yaml ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/deploy/{projectId}/action/save-yaml ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |jsonStr|deploy yaml content|body param|yes| |userId|userId|request param|yes| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |configType|Fields that distinguish deployment types|request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "fileId": "string", "fileName": "string", "userId": "string", "projectId": "string", "content": "string", "uploadTimeStamp": 0, "configType": "string" } ``` ## 13. Capability-group stats query group stats ### 13.1 GET group stats Get group stats ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/capability-group-stats/ ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "capabilityCount": 0, "parentId": "string" } ] ``` ## 14. VirtualMachine This part is about the api for virtual machine deployment ### 14.1 POST one vm Create one vm ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm-create ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|userId|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "vmId": "string", "projectId": "string", "vmName": "string", "status": "NOTCREATE", "stageStatus": { "hostInfo": "Success", "distributeInfo": "Success", "instantiateInfo": "Success", "workStatus": "Success" }, "host": { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" }, "lcmToken": "string", "vmInfo": [ { "vmId": "string", "vncUrl": "string", "networks": [ { "ip": "string", "name": "string" } ] } ], "appInstanceId": "string", "packageId": "string", "createTime": "2021-10-13T01:47:57.447Z", "log": "string", "nextStage": "string" } ``` ### 14.2 DELETE vm config delete vm config ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm/{vmId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |vmId|vmId|path param|yes| |userId|user id|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK boolean output ``` ### 14.3 GET all image config get all image config ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm/image ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|user id|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "vmId": "string", "imageId": "string", "projectId": "string", "vmName": "string", "imageName": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "hostIp": "string", "sumChunkNum": 0, "chunkSize": 0, "checksum": "string", "stageStatus": { "createImageInfo": "Success", "imageStatus": "Success", "downloadImageInfo": "Success" }, "status": "NOTCREATE", "lcmToken": "string", "createTime": "2021-10-13T01:47:57.448Z", "log": "string", "nextStage": "string" } ``` ### 14.4 POST image config Create image config ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm/image ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|user id|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK boolean output ``` ### 14.5 DELETE image config Delete image config ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm/image ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|user id|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK boolean output ``` ### 14.6 GET image config By ProjectId query image config By ProjectId ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|user id|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "vmId": "string", "projectId": "string", "vmName": "string", "status": "NOTCREATE", "stageStatus": { "hostInfo": "Success", "distributeInfo": "Success", "instantiateInfo": "Success", "workStatus": "Success" }, "host": { "hostId": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string", "architecture": "string", "status": "NORMAL", "lcmIp": "string", "mecHost": "string", "protocol": "string", "port": 0, "os": "string", "portRangeMin": 0, "portRangeMax": 0, "userId": "string", "configId": "string", "userName": "string", "password": "string", "vncPort": 0, "parameter": "string", "resource": "string" }, "lcmToken": "string", "vmInfo": [ { "vmId": "string", "vncUrl": "string", "networks": [ { "ip": "string", "name": "string" } ] } ], "appInstanceId": "string", "packageId": "string", "createTime": "2021-10-13T01:47:57.447Z", "log": "string", "nextStage": "string" } ] ``` ### 14.7 GET csar pkg get csar pkg ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm/{vmId}/package ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|user id|query param|yes| |vmId|vmId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK binary output ``` ### 14.8 GET vm resources get vm resources ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/vmconfig ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "vmRegulationList": [ { "regulationId": 0, "architecture": "string", "nameZh": "string", "nameEn": "string", "sceneZh": "string", "sceneEn": "string", "memory": 0, "cpu": 0, "systemDisk": 0, "dataDisk": 0, "gpu": "string", "otherAbility": "string" } ], "vmSystemList": [ { "systemId": 0, "type": "public", "operateSystem": "ubuntu", "version": "string", "systemBit": "string", "systemDisk": 0, "systemName": "string", "fileName": "string", "createTime": "string", "modifyTime": "string", "systemFormat": "string", "systemSize": 0, "systemSlim": "SLIM_WAIT", "uploadTime": "string", "systemPath": "string", "status": "UPLOAD_WAIT", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "fileMd5": "string", "fileIdentifier": "string", "errorType": "string" } ], "vmNetworkList": [ { "networkType": "string", "descriptionZh": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "networkName": "string" } ], "vmUserDataList": [ { "operateSystem": "string", "flavorExtraSpecs": "string", "contents": "string", "params": "string", "temp": false } ] } ``` ### 14.9 POST vm file uoload vm image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm/{vmId}/files ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|user id|query param|yes| |vmId|vmId|path param|yes| |file|File |query param|yes| |id|id|query param|yes| |chunkNumber|chunkNumber|path param|yes| |chunkSize|chunkSize|query param|yes| |currentChunkSize|currentChunkSize|query param|yes| |totalSize|totalSize|query param|yes| |identifier|identifier|query param|yes| |filename|filename|query param|yes| |relativePath|relativePath|query param|yes| |totalChunks|totalChunks|query param|yes| |type|type|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK boolean output ``` ### 14.10 GET merge image merge vm image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm/{vmId}/merge ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|user id|query param|yes| |vmId|vmId|path param|yes| |fileName|fileName |query param|yes| |identifier|identifier |query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "headers": { "string": [ "string" ] }, "body": {}, "statusCodeValue": 0, "statusCode": "CONTINUE" } ``` ### 14.11 POST clean vm clean vm ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm/clean ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true. ``` ### 14.12 GET vm pkg query vm package info ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm-package ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|userId|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "projectId": "string", "vmRegulation": { "regulationId": 0, "architecture": "string", "nameZh": "string", "nameEn": "string", "sceneZh": "string", "sceneEn": "string", "memory": 0, "cpu": 0, "systemDisk": 0, "dataDisk": 0, "gpu": "string", "otherAbility": "string" }, "vmSystem": { "systemId": 0, "type": "public", "operateSystem": "ubuntu", "version": "string", "systemBit": "string", "systemDisk": 0, "systemName": "string", "fileName": "string", "createTime": "string", "modifyTime": "string", "systemFormat": "string", "systemSize": 0, "systemSlim": "SLIM_WAIT", "uploadTime": "string", "systemPath": "string", "status": "UPLOAD_WAIT", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "fileMd5": "string", "fileIdentifier": "string", "errorType": "string" }, "vmNetwork": [ "string" ], "vmUserData": { "operateSystem": "string", "flavorExtraSpecs": "string", "contents": "string", "params": "string", "temp": false }, "vmName": "string", "ak": "string", "sk": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "createTime": "2021-10-13T01:47:57.448Z" } ``` ### 14.13 POST vm pkg create vm package config info ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm-package ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|userId|query param|yes| |vmPackageConfig|vmPackageConfig|body param|yes| ``` { "id": "string", "projectId": "string", "vmRegulation": { "regulationId": 0, "architecture": "string", "nameZh": "string", "nameEn": "string", "sceneZh": "string", "sceneEn": "string", "memory": 0, "cpu": 0, "systemDisk": 0, "dataDisk": 0, "gpu": "string", "otherAbility": "string" }, "vmSystem": { "systemId": 0, "type": "public", "operateSystem": "ubuntu", "version": "string", "systemBit": "string", "systemDisk": 0, "systemName": "string", "fileName": "string", "createTime": "string", "modifyTime": "string", "systemFormat": "string", "systemSize": 0, "systemSlim": "SLIM_WAIT", "uploadTime": "string", "systemPath": "string", "status": "UPLOAD_WAIT", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "fileMd5": "string", "fileIdentifier": "string", "errorType": "string" }, "vmNetwork": [ "string" ], "vmUserData": { "operateSystem": "string", "flavorExtraSpecs": "string", "contents": "string", "params": "string", "temp": false }, "vmName": "string", "ak": "string", "sk": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "createTime": "2021-10-13T01:47:57.448Z" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "id": "string", "projectId": "string", "vmRegulation": { "regulationId": 0, "architecture": "string", "nameZh": "string", "nameEn": "string", "sceneZh": "string", "sceneEn": "string", "memory": 0, "cpu": 0, "systemDisk": 0, "dataDisk": 0, "gpu": "string", "otherAbility": "string" }, "vmSystem": { "systemId": 0, "type": "public", "operateSystem": "ubuntu", "version": "string", "systemBit": "string", "systemDisk": 0, "systemName": "string", "fileName": "string", "createTime": "string", "modifyTime": "string", "systemFormat": "string", "systemSize": 0, "systemSlim": "SLIM_WAIT", "uploadTime": "string", "systemPath": "string", "status": "UPLOAD_WAIT", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "fileMd5": "string", "fileIdentifier": "string", "errorType": "string" }, "vmNetwork": [ "string" ], "vmUserData": { "operateSystem": "string", "flavorExtraSpecs": "string", "contents": "string", "params": "string", "temp": false }, "vmName": "string", "ak": "string", "sk": "string", "appInstanceId": "string", "createTime": "2021-10-13T01:47:57.448Z" } ``` ### 14.14 DELETE vm pkg delete vm package config info ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/projects/{projectId}/vm-package ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| |userId|userId|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true. ``` ## 15. Capability-group stats query This part is about the api for Capability-group stats ### 15.1 GET stats by type query group stats by type ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/query/capability-group-stats/type/{type} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |type|type|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "capabilityCount": 0, "parentId": "string" } ] ``` ## 16. SystemImage This part is about the api for system image deployment ### 16.1 POST one system image Create one system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |VmImage|VmImage|body param|yes| ``` VmImage: { "systemId": 0, "type": "public", "operateSystem": "ubuntu", "version": "string", "systemBit": "string", "systemDisk": 0, "systemName": "string", "fileName": "string", "createTime": "string", "modifyTime": "string", "systemFormat": "string", "systemSize": 0, "systemSlim": "SLIM_WAIT", "uploadTime": "string", "systemPath": "string", "status": "UPLOAD_WAIT", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "fileMd5": "string", "fileIdentifier": "string", "errorType": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK boolean output ``` ### 16.2 DELETE system image delete system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK boolean output ``` ### 16.3 POST upload system image uploading system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/list ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |userId|userId|query param|no| |quemepGetSystemImageReqryCtrl|mepGetSystemImageReq|body param|yes| ``` mepGetSystemImageReq: { "systemName": "string", "type": "public", "userId": "string", "operateSystem": "string", "status": "UPLOAD_WAIT", "uploadTimeBegin": "string", "uploadTimeEnd": "string", "queryCtrl": { "offset": 0, "limit": 0, "sortBy": "userName", "sortOrder": "ASC" } } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "totalCount": 0, "imageList": [ { "systemId": 0, "type": "public", "operateSystem": "ubuntu", "version": "string", "systemBit": "string", "systemDisk": 0, "systemName": "string", "fileName": "string", "createTime": "string", "modifyTime": "string", "systemFormat": "string", "systemSize": 0, "systemSlim": "SLIM_WAIT", "uploadTime": "string", "systemPath": "string", "status": "UPLOAD_WAIT", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "fileMd5": "string", "fileIdentifier": "string", "errorType": "string" } ] } ``` ### 16.4 PUT system image update system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| |vmImage|vmImage|body param|yes| ``` vmImage: { "systemId": 0, "type": "public", "operateSystem": "ubuntu", "version": "string", "systemBit": "string", "systemDisk": 0, "systemName": "string", "fileName": "string", "createTime": "string", "modifyTime": "string", "systemFormat": "string", "systemSize": 0, "systemSlim": "SLIM_WAIT", "uploadTime": "string", "systemPath": "string", "status": "UPLOAD_WAIT", "userId": "string", "userName": "string", "fileMd5": "string", "fileIdentifier": "string", "errorType": "string" } ``` **Example response** ``` 200 OK boolean output ``` ### 16.5 PUT publish system image publish system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId}/publish ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK boolean output ``` ### 16.6 POST system image to upload file upload system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId}/upload ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| |identifier|identifier|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "headers": { "string": [ "string" ] }, "body": {}, "statusCodeValue": 0, "statusCode": "CONTINUE" } ``` ### 16.7 GET system image to merge merge system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId}/merge ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| |fileName|fileName|request param|yes| |identifier|identifier|request param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "headers": { "string": [ "string" ] }, "body": {}, "statusCodeValue": 0, "statusCode": "CONTINUE" } ``` ### 16.8 GET system image to download download system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId}/download ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK binary output. ``` ### 16.9 POST slim image slim system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId}/slim ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 16.10 PUT reset image status reset system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId}/reset ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK true ``` ### 16.11 POST upload image upload system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId}/upload ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| |id|id|query param|yes| |chunkNumber|chunkNumber|path param|yes| |chunkSize|chunkSize|query param|yes| |currentChunkSize|currentChunkSize|query param|yes| |totalSize|totalSize|query param|yes| |identifier|identifier|query param|yes| |filename|filename|query param|yes| |relativePath|relativePath|query param|yes| |totalChunks|totalChunks|query param|yes| |type|type|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "headers": { "string": [ "string" ] }, "body": {}, "statusCodeValue": 0, "statusCode": "CONTINUE" } ``` ### 16.12 DELETE upload image cancel upload system image ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v1/system/images/{systemId}/upload ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |systemId|systemId|path param|yes| |identifier|identifier|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK { "headers": { "string": [ "string" ] }, "body": {}, "statusCodeValue": 0, "statusCode": "CONTINUE" } ``` ## 17. Capability query This part is about the api for query capability ### 17.1 GET capability by groupid get capability by groupid ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/query/capabilities/group-id/{groupId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |groupId|groupId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ] ``` ### 17.2 GET capability by en name query capability by en name ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/query/capabilities/name-en ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |nameEn|english name|query param|yes| |limit|limit name|query param|yes| |offset|offset name|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ] ``` ### 17.3 GET capability by name GET capability by zh name ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/query/capabilities/name ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |name|chinese name|query param|yes| |limit|limit name|query param|yes| |offset|offset name|query param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ] ``` ### 17.4 GET capability by projectid get capability by projectid ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/query/capabilities/project-id/{projectId} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |projectId|projectId|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ] ``` ### 17.5 GET capability by type query capability by type ``` Resource URI: /mec/developer/v2/query/capabilities/type/{type} ``` |Name|Definition|Type|Required| |-------------|-------------|------------|------------| |type|type|path param|yes| **Example response** ``` 200 OK [ { "id": "string", "name": "string", "nameEn": "string", "version": "string", "description": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "provider": "string", "apiFileId": "string", "guideFileId": "string", "guideFileIdEn": "string", "uploadTime": 0, "port": 0, "host": "string", "protocol": "string", "appId": "string", "packageId": "string", "userId": "string", "selectCount": 0, "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "experienceUrl": "string", "group": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "nameEn": "string", "descriptionEn": "string", "type": "string", "iconFileId": "string", "author": "string", "createTime": 0, "updateTime": 0, "parent": {}, "parentId": "string" }, "groupId": "string" } ] ```