Inventory Database DesignΒΆ

The Inventory database uses an open source PostgreSQL database, and the recommended version is 12.3.

  • applcminventory: Store applcm information, such as applcm_id, tenant_id, applcm_ip and applcm_port.

    create table applcminventory (
        applcm_id varchar(255) not null,
        tenant_id  varchar(255) not null,
        applcm_ip varchar(255) not null,
        applcm_port varchar(255) not null,
        user_name varchar(255),
        created_time varchar(200),
        modified_time varchar(200),
        primary key (applcm_id)
  • appstoreinventory: Store app store distribution information, such as appstore_id, appstore_ip , appstore_port.

    create table appstoreinventory (
        appstore_id varchar(255) not null,
        appstore_ip varchar(255) not null,
        appstore_port varchar(255) not null,
        uri varchar(255) not null,
        tenant_id varchar(200) not null,
        user_name varchar(255),
        appstore_name varchar(255),
        producer varchar(255),
        created_time varchar(200),
        modified_time varchar(200),
        primary key (appstore_id)
  • mechostinventory: Store MEC host information, such as mechost_id, mechost_ip, applcm_ip, zip_code, city.

    create table mechostinventory (
        mechost_id varchar(255) not null,
        tenant_id varchar(255) not null,
        mechost_ip varchar(255) not null,
        applcm_ip varchar(255) not null,
        mechost_name varchar(255) not null,
        zip_code varchar(200),
        city varchar(255) not null,
        address varchar(255) not null,
        affinity varchar(255),
        user_name varchar(255),
        edge_name varchar(255),
        edgerepo_ip varchar(255),
        edgerepo_port varchar(255),
        edgerepo_username varchar(255),
        config_upload_status varchar(255),
        -- config_file_path varchar(2000),
        created_time varchar(200),
        modified_time varchar(200),
        primary key (mechost_id)
  • tenantinventory: Store tenant information, such as tenant_id.

    create table tenantinventory (
        tenant_id  varchar(255) not null,
        applcm_count int,
        appstore_count int,
        mechost_count int,
        primary key (tenant_id)